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In 1995, a few faithful people began participating in a weekly Bible Study held at the home of Reverend Wanda and Reverend Meredith Payton. All shared the same vision of forming an outreach ministry to serve those in our community in a more practical and hands on manner. They gathered together in 1996 to form Christian Community Outreach Ministries, Inc. C.C.O.M., Inc. held its first official meeting on April 26, 1996 and began with nine people having a desire to do more for their community by incorporating Christian values while serving real needs. A Board of Directors was formed, a mission statement adopted, and the Breakfast Nook program was initiated. The Board of Directors is comprised of individuals and families of different church denominations, ethnic and racial backgrounds, and professions. It is a Board that is a true reflection of the Christian Community in the Greater Danbury Region.

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To build and extend bridges of hope to those who have lost hope and faith.


To help the homeless, disenfranchised, unemployed and anyone else in need of spiritual, physical or emotional support.


We seek continually to offer all resources with a standard of excellence that honors our Lord.  We demonstrate the love of Christ by addressing immediate physical need and supporting those who desire to explore a deeper spiritual foundation.

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